Promoting your business can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Radio Partnership Services provides professional marketing and advertising services for radio stations directly to businesses within their markets. Our company coordinates community awareness programs of all kinds from fighting texting and driving, drunk driving, promoting child safety, raising awareness for veterans, and more. We make it simple and affordable for small businesses to create a presence for themselves while benefitting their local community. From professional script writing, to scheduling, billing, and customer service, we do it all from start to completion. We’re here with you every step of the way.

At Radio Partnership Services, we understand that without our customers we’d be nowhere. If our clients are not happy, you can bet we’ll do our utmost to turn things around, and we’d absolutely never say no to a customer’s request. When it comes to our customers, our motto is “create value and make every interaction a pleasant experience.”

Radio Partnership Services LLC

PO Box 1770
Des Plaines, IL 60017

